Love hotels

It is a well know fact that we have a higher rate of fucking in the country side.

The propaganda might make you feel that we have a lot of sex in the city, but the truth is, you not. All we have in the city is that fuck searcher who drink all night till they are not capable of performing the sex.

So what we need in the country side is to have a sex.

It is called “Love Hotel.”

We sure have these thing in the city like Tokyo, but it is the must have item in the country side in Japan, since all the high school kids has to have a sex. Otherwise they go nuts, starting to tell you they need some anti depression drug, teacher telling them they are ADHD, all that shit. It is natural. I am a man who is interested in having good sex, but I can proudly say that I was way more interested when I was 16.

So, we have these hotels for kids.

They are cheap and fun. And it maybe the only place you can go in wothout carded.

They are everywhere, but it is rather easier to find in the country side, since all we have in the country side is the place to have a sex, and maybe a casino.

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