How to get laid in Japan

I suppose it is not hard for boys to get laid in Japan, but not for the girls to get….laid.

What the fuck? right? It is plain straight up truth that there are less dicks ready to get wet than pussy which wet and ready. Nothing to blame lady around here as it is partly caused by get-your-ass-wide-campaign that Japan have for the young boys, and the poverty.

Yes, that is fucking right fuckers! It is poverty that makes this anti-sex-woe happening here.

Late 80’s to early 90’s, as known as bubble ear, Japanese government decided to have less reproduction rate. However, though you can find the fact in wikidepia today, they are not that open about it, like the Chinese government are today.

In 1974, together with all that bullshit like oil fuck and that fuck and this fuck, we got bunch of fuckers fucked each other and got mass reproduction fuck. 1974 was called THE BABY BOOM, like if are loser having a baby in 1974.

Free free to tell me I am lier that pulling shit from my ass, because I am not.

I fucking gracefully tell you that the “Happy Ending” in the TV propaganda was like, be in love, do the career, abort, and see you tomorrow type shit.

I have seen it.

While they are supporting abortion in the pre 2000, Japan boys are fucking hard.

Now that they are supporting the anti abortion, we are afraid.

No Japanese government has taught anyone to use the condom.

The fuckers don’t have money linked to the plastic industry.

Oh, what the fuck. Girls just tell them you want to have a sex. We will do it.

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