Justice coming down

You cannot make fun of shit in Japan.

You just can’t.

If any of those jokes involve anything to do with the politician, you are out from the TV show or any media whatsoever. So, there are no David Cross, or Chris Rock type of dudes in Japanese entertainment system. If you do, those 60 something old Japanese people who just do not have anything but to criticise shit is start firing their shit under the name of fucking Justice.

Let’s say for example, you are not allowed to make some point about abused kids in the orphan home by making fictional drama. This actually happened last summer and those Justice ass came down to the TV station and told them to fuck off since it is giving orphan homes a bad name.   

Those Justice are big. They criticise fucker who criticise fuck, which is totally controversial, however, those people has nothing else left in their life but to talk shit.

Watch out for the Justice.

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