Once it is out, the bullshit can’t go back to their ass.

Wrong information. Wrong brief. “Please do not use your cellphone near the priority seat.” That is what they tell you around in any train car, or bus, pretty much any public transportation unit.

Here is why.

Japanese people believed that cellphone would disable the pacemaker. For good 20 years or so, they are telling everybody that having the cellphone near the pacemaker would make the pacemaker work wrongly.

It was the government that placed the wrong belief to the people’s mind. It also was the government that, recently, 2014, admit that it is total bullshit.

How they did it was kind a sneaky, though, sneaky George did not use the media to announce it, whereas, they used media big time to ban the cellphone inside the train.

Talking on the cellphone is still not allowed in Japan. Their bullshit is out already. It cannot go back to their ass. Nonetheless to mention, they have no intention to wipe their ass.

Ask anyone who is Japanese. They believe that bullshit.

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