Japanese baseball

Speaking of the entertainment in Japan, going to the baseball stadium is it.

If you are visiting Japan, just do not go to any of those bar, or dance club, or live music place. they all suck. It at least suck harder than the local club in your neighbourhood. It does.

Going to the bar won’t get you laid. going to the dance club won’t get you dace as they just don’t dance. live music sucks as musicians don’t know any know how to entertain.

So, what do you do?

Again! go to the ballpark.

Yes, Japanese baseball sucks.

You might occasionally have this Big League prospect who just plays this team sport by himself, but that is not really welcomed here. We don’t give shit about how good the play is. We give shit about how loud the stand is.

I mean, watching the audience getting loud is more entertaining than the game.

Some of them just don’t watch the game.

Go to the ballpark.

Do not go to the infield though.

Go to the out field. Shit is mad.

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