Being polite

Yes, I am very polite. I am Japanese. Yes, we talk shit about all you foreigners being rude and all that. But, tourist should be as clueless. I see a bunch of Japanese tourist not being able to sense what’s up.

Anyhow. We act little more polite or sensitive to what’s around us, mainly because we live in such a tiny island. Everybody’s watching you all the time. Everybody can hear you. The wall is fucking thin. I can hear my neighbour, not the roommate, having a sex. You don’t need the internet to wank. It is god damn convenient. But, I guess my point is that your life is that transparent. We are polite because of the fear of your neighbour getting together and talking shit about you. It is because of the fear that we hide our thought and be polite. We are not the Natural Born Polite Spicies. Believe me. When we get drunk, we get real loud and rude. If that’s hard for you to believe, go to Shinbashi station after 8pm, go into the corner bar and find out. It is also true that we do have a few loud mouth neighbourhoods. Like some places in the east side Tokyo, the most places in Osaka, etc… 

So where’s extremely polite and far fucking out place? It’s Kyoto, the most beautiful town with history and all that. Well, I guess the history of being polite got into their head and made them crazier than the fuck. For example, in Kyoto, your neighbour would tell you that “Your 8 years old girl got better on the piano.”

…….Huh?? Did I lost you?

I must have.

You think that is a good comment?

Fuck No!

What is your your neighbour really saying is “The piano is too fucking loud that I can fucking hear you. Sell the fucker or move out,” in the polite fucking way. And, you are supposed to sense that shit, otherwise all of your neighbour will talk shit about you to the point you’d feel like you want to move out!

Yes, it’s good to be polite.

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